Supreme Court to have a Social Justice Bench

The Chief Justice of India H.L. Dattu has set up a Social Justice Bench of two judges which will sit on every Friday at 2 pm to deal with the cases relating to social issues. First such bench will sit on 12th December 2014. This is an innovative idea that will help in quick delivery of justice in matters related to social issues. This bench will be comprising of Justice Madan B. Lokur and Justice Uday U. Lalit.

Social justice is one of the assurances given in the Preamble to the Constitution of India. To fulfil this assurance, this specially constituted bench will hear cases relating to release of surplus food grains lying in stocks for the use of the people living in the drought affected areas, framing of a fresh scheme for public distribution of food grains, taking steps to prevent untimely death of women and children due to want of nutritious food, hygienic mid-day meal scheme, other issues relating to children, providing night shelter to homeless and destitute, providing medical facilities to all the citizens, providing safe drinking water, providing safety and secured living conditions to women, etc.

In fact, a large number of public interest litigations (PILs) and other petitions are pending before the Supreme Court for long on these social issues. It is hoped that the constitution of this special bench will help in quick disposal of these important cases.

A copy of the announcement made by the Supreme Court registry in this regard is reproduced below.

Supreme Court Social Justice Bench by tilakmarg