Pravin Gandhi College of Law Mumbai organizes National Legislative Drafting Competition 2015

SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law, Mumbai, is organizing the fourth ‘Conficiendis Legislativa’ which is the National Legislative Drafting Competition 2015. The participants will be required to draft a legislative Bill regulating Celebrity Endorsement. The basic theme of this Bill is that the film and cricket celebrities should not endorse junk food, which is harmful for the children. Such celebrities are often engaged to attach sheen of glamour and success to junk food which is high in fat, sugar or salt but low in mineral, vitamins and other nutrients. Children, in particular, get attracted to such celebrity endorsements. Such junk food gives rise to the problems associated with childhood obesity. The participants of the said competition are required to draft a legislation that would regulate such celebrity endorsements.

National Legislative Drafting Competition 2015 organised by Praveen College of Law, Mumbai

Participation in this competition is restricted for the students studying in law colleges which are recognized by the Bar Council of India. Each team can consist of a maximum of 2 members; and there is a restriction of 3 teams per law institution. There is a registration fee of Rs. 1100/- (per entry) payable by Demand Draft.

Important dates of the event:

Before 16:00 hours, 17 January 2015 – Registration

20th February 2015 – Soft Copies of the legislative bill to be sent

25 February 2015 – 3 Hard Copies of the legislative bill to be sent

25 March 2015 – Results declared.

The prizes for the winners of this competition would be:

Best Team – Cash Prize of Rs. 10,000/- and Certificates.

Runner Up Team – Cash Prize of Rs. 7,000/- and Certificates.

Second Runner Up Team – Cash Prize of Rs. 5,000/- and Certificates

Participation Certificates for all the participants.

The registration form and Rules and Regulations can be accessed here.

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