My litigation (in-person) on arbitrary termination of service by Central autonomous body was finalised on merit in my favour, after 17 years by Lucknow High Court. Respondents taking advantage of my lack of knowledge on law, succeeded in transferring it to CAT. High Court fixed six month time limit to CAT to decide my case. Tired on litigation, informed CAT to decide on the basis of documents received from High Court and conveyed that I have no more to state other than what is already on file, which was transferred from High Court.
My recall application on the basis of opinion is also not getting listed.
Tribunal is not ready to accept my view point on the basis of Behrain Petroleum. Tribunal states that it will go by orders of High Court. So please let me know :-
Is the tribunal is bound to follow the time limitation of 6 months conveyed by High Court in the order, to give their judgement in my case.
If the Tribunal does not finalise in six months, is there any option to me to appeal to High Court.
Thanking you,
Sunder lal