Your question appears to be wrongly worded. Usually the word “terminated” or the word “termination” is used in respect of the temporary service or in respect of the probationary period. As far as a government servant who has been confirmed in service, his termination by way of penalty is by way of either “dismissal”, or “removal”, or “compulsory retirement”.
Now, in the case of dismissal or removal from government service, no pension is paid to the government servant. In the case of compulsory retirement, the government servant is paid pension as admissible.
Of course, it should be possible for you to challenge in the appropriate court or tribunal your termination from service.
Dr. Ashok Dhamija is a New Delhi based Supreme Court Advocate and author of law books. Read more about him by clicking here. List of his Forum Replies. List of his other articles. List of his Quora Answers. List of his YouTube Videos.