Bail During Trial


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    • #2972

      I am completely new to this web site.
      Is it possible to get a bail during trial i mean after police has submitted the charge sheet.
      If you need more details its here
      What does prima facie mean ?Does this indicate that the person is involved in the cirme ? Is it something that can be cooked up by police ?Does prima facie means there is strong evidence ?

    • #2974

      Yes. One can get bail during trial, but it depends on nature and seriousness of the case and also other facts and circumstances of each case which are considered for this purpose. There are millions of cases in which bail is granted during trial.

      Prima facie may imply “based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proved otherwise”. With regard to a criminal case, prima facie may imply what appears on the basis of the prosecution evidence if it is accepted as true, without considering the defence at that stage.


      Dr. Ashok Dhamija is a New Delhi based Supreme Court Advocate and author of law books. Read more about him by clicking here. List of his Forum Replies. List of his other articles. List of his Quora Answers. List of his YouTube Videos.

    • #2990

      Thanks a lot for the reply. I guess in these kind of cases (from the news paper and discussion on tv channel) what i hear is police has to submit the charge sheet in 90 days . So you are saying that its possible to submit bail application after 90 days ,right ?

      Does “Prima Facie Evidence” before charge sheet is submitted means that judge has already gone into the evidences submitted by police or “prima Facie ” evidence is based on the arugments said by the prosection against the accused. I am not very clear on what all High court judge indicates when they say Prima Facie Evidence

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